Our Products

Supply chain trust and commitment reliability

Central Processing Units ( CPU )
Memory Modules
Display Modules

About Sun Electronics

Sun Electronics Corporation (SEC) is a professional 3C computer electronic components supplier. Our team has more than 10 years of experience in the IT industry, and has provided services for top 3C brands and ODM / OEM companies. We assist global technology to provide 3C electronics, Wearable, AR/VR, Personal Computers, Servers and Industrial PCs and other related components, including CPU, DRAM, Memory and Storage Devices (HDD, SSD, eMMC), TFT/OLED display panels, touch panels, flexible batteries and Smart Watch, and help to integrate the completed supply chain of upstream and downstream.


We also hope that in the Metaverse ecosystem, we can help users integrate technology hardware and blockchain software systems, so that everyone can explore, work, enjoy, and experience unique moments in the Metaverse world.